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Upcoming Courses
Ethical Humanitarian and Development Practice in Urban Refugee Response
A Two-Day Simulation-Based Professional Development Course
“I asked UNHCR for help. They told me, ‘if you don’t like it, you can go to Zaatari [Camp].’ I said: How can we live [in this city]? We can’t work, you don’t give us money. ‘You can go to Zaatari,’ they said.”
Syrian Interview Respondent, Irbid, Jordan, quoted in Stevens, 2016
“Ethical Humanitarian and Development Practice in Urban Refugee Response” is a two-day professional development course structured around an intensive in-class educational simulation. The course re-centres the human subjects of international interventions in the minds of experienced humanitarian and development workers, with a focus on the humanizing the “humanitarian-development nexus”.
Course Details
Course Length: 2 days
Language: English
- $450 early-bird registration fee EXTENDED until Sept 15, 2019
- $550* course registration fee from Sept 15 – Oct 15, 2019
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Course Dates: November 25-26, 2019
*Note that this is a reduced introductory tuition rate.
See our upcoming courses page for more details and registration information.
What is Lessons Learned?
LLST offers both open-access training courses and custom-designed on-demand training modules for humanitarian workers and agencies. We uniquely emphasize interactive simulations and activities as learning tools.
Whether you are looking for learning solutions as a prospective humanitarian aid worker or a well-established sector expert, as an individual or for a team, see what we can do for you today.
Or, get in touch with us directly at info@llst.ca for more information.