Update: Upcoming Games-Based Learning Webinars

Lessons Learned Simulations and Training, CRISP, and Save the Children are excited to announce a series of free, participatory training sessions in simulation game development for humanitarian workers based in Jordan. Over the month of December 2020, LLST, CRISP, and Save the Children will deliver two (2) English language webinars and two (2) Arabic language webinars that will provide an interactive introduction to games-based learning.

These webinar training sessions are phase one of a multi-phase project supported by the Fund for Innovation and Transformation alongside Global Affairs Canada and the Inter-Council Network. Attendees of the initial training sessions will be encouraged to apply for the second phase of the project, where successful applicants will attend online workshops and receive developmental support in the creation of their own learning-game designs. At the end of the project, participants will have created their own
tailor-made simulation game designs which meet their individual or organisation’s training needs!

All phases of this project are aimed to support humanitarian workers based in Jordan, with priority for phase two given to gender-aware simulation designs. To learn more about the project, or to register for the phase one training sessions, please click here or look below where you can find downloadable PDF releases in both English and Arabic.